In case of your Shark Vacuum failing to power on or shutting off unexpectedly, possibly intermittently, there is typically a straightforward solution.
Upright Shark with Power Switch on Handle
The hose transmits an electrical signal to the body to instruct the motor to activate when the switch is pressed. Ensure the hose is securely connected to the vacuum's body at the rear. It should audibly click into place. Failure to do so may result in intermittent power problems.
Shark Models with Switch on the body
The main power to the vacuum motor is not related to the hose like the above models. Your power loss if intermittant is likely to be a damaged cable with an internal break. Stop using the vacuum immediately and replace the cable or you can buy the complete body with cable attached if easier for you.
Power loss during use is uncommon but may be associated with motor overheating. Ensure filters are clean and dry, allow the vacuum to cool down, then try again. Also, check for any blockages.
Please see my help video below and comment on the video on Youtube with any questions that you may have